Preberi 1 min
12. 5. 2023

Herman's partner, Dr Dejan Verčič, and Dr Ansgar Zerfass discussed the role and impact of artificial intelligence on communication strategy at the 25th Slovenian Conference on Public Relations (SKOJ), organised by the Slovenian Public Relations Society PRSS. 

Dr Zerfass pointed out that in the coming months, communicators will have to face the question of how much of their work they want to automate, what this means for their work and how they should implement these tools in their management processes. This discussion showed that understanding AI is critical to a successful communication strategy in the modern world.

On this occasion, Dr Verčič and Dr Zerfass also announced the Slovenian translation of the book "Communication Excellence". Dr Verčič pointed out that this book represents a significant contribution to the profession, as during the translation process, they had to introduce many communication terms that were not yet used in the Slovenian language

In addition to Dr Verčič and Dr Zerfass, the book's authors are Prof. Dr Ralph Tench, Prof. Dr Ángeles Moreno and Associate Prof. Dr Piet Verhoeven. Together they have created a guide to help understand how best to develop, manage and lead outstanding communication in the 21st century.

At the 25th Slovenian Conference on Public Relations, Herman's strategic communications consultant Uroš Štanc presented an example of successful strategic communications practice in change management during the transfer of ownership of Mercator.

The 25th SKOJ provided valuable insights into the future of communication, including the role of artificial intelligence and the importance of strategy in communication. At the same time, it was a great event for exchanging ideas and best practices that will shape the communications profession in the future.