
The reading culture in Slovenia is alarmingly low. A 2019 survey showed that 49% of people had not read a single book unrelated to work or study in the last year. Only 6% of people read more than 20 books (excluding study literature) a year, and only 9% read books daily. In this context, especially few people read poetry, which is why Slovenian poets and poetesses are fighting an uphill battle, not in rhyming, but in financial survival in an increasingly commercial world. That is why they need help.


Since it's not polite to ask for money, we turn asking for money into a culture by bringing Songomat to the streets of Slovenia - a poetry machine Songomat (Pesmomat word is a Slovene play on words using the words pesem (song) and avtomat (automat, machine)) that spreads poetry and gets it to where the people are. On its journey, Pesmomat innovatively sheds light on Slovenian poets' plight and helps raise funds to support them in a symbolic way. It allows passers-by to buy a poem for a coin, brighten their day and support the spread of poetry.


  • Songomat, poetic machine
  • Poetry anthology
  • Online advertising
  • Social media handling
  • Influencers collaboration
  • Events organisation
  • Poetry competition

Project in cooperation with Vrabec Anarhist, DSP and PEN Slovenija

Songomats Poetic Intervention

Songomat brings classical and contemporary Slovenian poetry innovatively closer to the general public, and above all, it initiates a much-needed public debate on the importance of reading literature. Its presence in public space stops the daily rush and brings poetry to places where people do not expect it, and it also provides a poetic intervention in a consumerist world. It invites passers-by to buy a poem, prints and recites the selected poem after payment with a coin, and saves it permanently on the user's phone. 

The Songomat offers passers-by a wide selection of classic and contemporary Slovenian poets and poets. An important aspect of its growing anthology is to give young yet-to-be-established poets a chance to break through.

Its robotic form provides a unique cultural promotion of Slovenian poetry. Its tour through the streets of the city reminds people in an original way of the benefits of reading poetry and literature in general. As a result, it is supported by some of the most prominent authors, and its innovative nature quickly gets it noticed by major media outlets. On Prešeren Day (Slovene cultural day), it visits the Parliament, and it successfully spreads Slovenian poetry beyond the border (with high-profile guest appearances in Italy). People immediately welcome Songomat with open arms, and the digitised accessibility of poetry makes the humanoid robot particularly attractive to young people and children.

  • TEAM
  • Client representatives: Vrabec Anarchist, Society of Slovenian Writers, PEN Slovenia
  • Project partner: Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics
  • Creative director: Katja Petrin Dornik
  • Artistic director: Mojca Fo
  • Project directors: Igor Divjak, Luna J. Šribar
  • Copywriters: Katja Petrin Dornik, Igor Divjak, Luna J. Šribar
  • Digital strategist: Diana Abdagić
  • PR: Tamara Pevec Barborič, Polona Čebular
  • Production: Jože Zajc - Jos
  • Other associates: Luka Galjot, Borut Batagelj, Franc Solina, Urška Vavpetič
  • Photographer: Janez Marolt


Program Botrstvo v Sloveniji Radenska