
Lumpi is Mercator's brand for children's products, which aims to create a genuine and meaningful dialogue with children, taking into account the specifics of children's world while meeting the expectations and demands of their parents.


With a unique imaginative competition, Lumpi invites youngsters to create five characters that become new faces of the brand. As the new Lumpis (the magical girl Lala, the endearingly confused Ulf, the playful Moja Moja, the wide-eyed Pufi and the friendly grumpy Ivor) are the result of children's imaginations, characters make it their mission to continue to drive the brand forward themselves. That's why they present themselves to children on products stripped of their recognisable branding down to plain white packaging and invite children to get creative with them. And because children's imagination loves a challenge, the Lumpis also delight the little ones with another competition: they invite children to create their own Lumpi theatres out of white packaging and a Mercator shopping box.


  • TV news
  • Radio advertisements
  • Print advertisements
  • OOH
  • Online advertising
  • Social media campaign
  • Events
  • POS
  • Mercator's internal channels

White packaging is packaging from renowned children's brands stripped of all their recognisable brand details. Thus, participating brands boldly renounce their classic image for children's creativity. They offer children a unique blank canvas to create and teach them the aspects of sustainability through play. They encourage children to reuse packaging and create something out of it.

Lumpis understand what a great toy an ordinary box can be and that sometimes it is even better than the thing inside. Will children use white packaging to create a robot, house, rocket, or aeroplane? Anything is possible; there are no rules. 

The project has had the support of an expert who emphasises that encouraging creativity through play also teaches children how to solve everyday challenges from the beginning. To foster a creative dialogue with the youngest children, the Lumpis therefore, continue the project with a new competition: they invite children to make their own Lumpi Theatre out of white packaging. The rules of participation? The children have to use a Mercator shopping box for the main stage and build a scene out of white packaging. They can cut out the leading performers - Lumpis Lala, Ulf, Moja Moja, Pufi and Ivor - from cardboard, which they get for free at the Mercator store checkout.

The response of children and their parents to Lumpi's creative challenges has been overwhelming and exceeds expectations. Over 1000 children responded to the challenges, and over 40 kindergartens got involved with making creations out of the white packaging. The project stimulated debate on the importance of unburdened play for children. The white packaging also generated attention from the major media.

Parents were also enthusiastic about the sustainability aspect of the project, with more than half of our target group recognising its strong educational and environmental credentials. The white packaging positively impacted the recall of the Lumpi brand and significantly improved the perception of Mercator. At the same time, the creative aspects of the project and the (exceeded) sales results also impressed participating brands in the white packaging project.

Lumpi white packaging encourages creative play through a recycling mindset and shows the more fun aspects of sustainability. And most importantly, children fall in love with the Lumpi characters through the play.

  • TEAM
  • Creative Director: Katja Petrin Dornik
  • Art Director: David Fartek
  • Project Manager: Katja Grosman
  • Copywriter: Katja Petrin Dornik
  • Designers: Ewa Bogataj, Ned Cocej Minatti
  • Production and animation: Mitja Legat, Rok Klančnik
  • Tutorial: Klemen Mramor
  • PR: Tamara Pevec Barborič and Gaja Prinčič

  • Marketing Excellence Award 2023 at the Slovenian Marketing Conference; awarded by the Slovenian Marketing Association.


Program Botrstvo v Sloveniji Radenska